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Big Data Strategies | Empiritas Solutions
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Recognizing the Problem

Too many companies start with the data. We start with uncovering the key operational issues where big data can be applied to improve the business – e.g. pricing, inventory management, and offer development and pricing. Armed with these hypotheses, we can identify new insights and create strategies to acquire, manage and analyze the data.

Imbedding Into Operations

Big Data only works if the insights can be translated to action at the moment of truth. In the online world, this requires envisioning a new user experience where consumers find more relevant information and know what to do without assistance. In traditional business models, insights must be delivered to the point of need. This requires imbedding advice into the process through new tools and training.

“Empiritas helped us discover new applications for our technology and analytics skills in a completely new business sector, opening opportunities to double our business”.

– Nandit Soparkar, Founder and CEO Ubiquiti

Case Study:

Over the past decade, Ubiquiti has developed unique capabilities interpreting repair order data to feed product quality applications. Empiritas recognized the same capabilities could be deployed to help auto service companies, including dealerships. Empiritas helped Ubiquiti create new applications to better inform customers regarding service needs and verify service recommendations. The same technologies can help service writers ask more targeted questions and technicians identify co-occurring issues, improving fixed right first time. Empiritas used its industry relationships to identify partners for Ubiquiti to bring these applications to market. The result is new business prospects that will easily double Ubiquiti’s revenues and profits in the next two years.